=== WordPress Snap === Contributors: Valentin Brandt Plugin Name: WordPress Snap Plugin URI: http://www.geekeries.fr/snippet/creer-automatiquement-miniatures-sites-wordpress/ Tags: snap, thumbnails, snapshot, tinymce Author URI: http://www.geekeries.fr/ Donate link: http://www.geekeries.fr/contribuer/faire-don/ Author: Valentin Brandt Requires at least: 3.0 Tested up to: 3.3 Stable tag: trunk WordPress Snap is a simple shortcode for display a thumbnail from any website. == Description == WordPress Snap is a simple shortcode for display a thumbnail from any website. This plugin uses the WordPress.com service to generate a website preview thumbnail. The orignal `shortcode` created by Valentin Brandt on [WordPress Geekeries](http://www.geekeries.fr "wordpress"). * Use pointers in WordPress 3.3 * Quicktag Button in HTML Editor * CSS3 Effect (View `Installation` tab) == Installation == It is very easy. Upload plugin to the plugins directory and activate. Use [snap url="http://www.geekeries.fr/" alt="My image" w="400" h="300"] to display a thumbnail of any website With link, use this shortcode [snap url="http://www.geekeries.fr/" alt="My image" w="400" h="300" link="on" title="My Title"] To change the attribute `class`, specify your class. [snap url="http://www.geekeries.fr/" alt="My image" w="400" h="300" link="on" title="My Title" class="my_class"] For a great CSS3 effect. Add this snippet on your CSS files. `img.snap { padding: 0!important; border: 1px solid #ccc!important; transition:.2s ease-in-out; -webkit-transition:.2s ease-in-out; -moz-transition:.2s ease-in-out; -webkit-box-shadow:2px 5px 15px #bbb; -moz-box-shadow:2px 5px 15px #bbb; box-shadow:2px 5px 15px #bbb; } a img.snap:hover { -webkit-box-shadow:0px 0px 10px #bbb; -moz-box-shadow:0px 0px 10px #bbb; box-shadow:0px 0px 10px #bbb; } a img.snap:active { -webkit-box-shadow: 0px 0px 0px #bbb; -moz-box-shadow:0px 0px 0px #bbb; box-shadow:0px 0px 0px #bbb; }` For more info go to the WordPress Snap's page. == Screenshots == 1. Easy :) - Add your thumbnail. 2. WordPress Geekeries Snap == Changelog == = 2.1.1 = * Fix ! : Work with WordPress 3.3 and 3.2 = 2.1 = * Compatible WordPress 3.3 * Use pointers in WordPress 3.3 = 2.0.1 = * Fix bug = 2.0 = * NEW : Easy ! Add your thumbnail with TinyMCE Window * Add a `target=""` attribute. For add a target on your link. * Add a `rel=""` attribute. For add a rel on your link. = 1.3.3 = * Added a Quicktag Button in HTML editor `Add WordPress Snap`. Use `CTRL+ALT+S` for adding snap (HTML editor) = 1.3.2 = * Add a `class=""` attribute. For add a class on your thumbnail. * Some code changes (add link) = 1.3.1 = * Fix: Dynamic path- Thanks Julio POTIER on Sécurité Web = 1.3 = * Add a `title="My Title"` attribute. For add a title on your link. * Add a `link="on"` attribute. For add a link on your thumbnail. = 1.2 = * Add TinyMCE Button. Easy to use :) * Icon by `Randy Jensen` http://randyjensenonline.com/thoughts/wordpress-custom-post-type-fugue-icons/ = 1.1 = * Update = 1.0 = * First version * [Uploaded August 15, 2011] Thanks to all who sent bug reports and ideas for improvements.